Interstate Inter-facility Medical Transport
To inform policy decisions surrounding interstate inter-facility medical transport of patients.
Inter-facility transport is an essential part of the modern healthcare system. It connects isolated communities with quaternary care centers – thus improving access to care. Crossing state lines complicates this process, especially when one state refuses to acknowledge another state’s clinicians at the same level causing delays in patient care.
This is an ecological study that looks at paediatric patient transports by zip code. Study will use measures of central tendency and spatial analysis methods to quantify patient movement between states with particular focus on the regulatory barriers between jurisdictions.
Research Protocol
This study starts by looking at transport fro one facility in one state: Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD.. This level 1 trauma center services patients in Maryland, Virginia, D.C., Delaware, and even southern Pennsylvania. Their commitment to children and proximity to their neighboring states makes this an ideal place to start.
Regional Variations
Next transports will be looked at in two vastly different regions: the DMV (D.C. - Maryland-Virginai) and the state of Texas. The DMV is one of the regions in the nation where interstate movement is common for employment, travel, and education. Texas is a state so large, most residents never leave.
The final stage of this study will look at transport across the nation. Using spatial analysis techniques and geographic information systems, we hypothesis the movement of patients is statistically significant and that the data collected will help inform policy to improve the well-being of children from coast to coast.
Study Design
This is an observational ecologic study designed in three parts.
Pending IRB approval
Pending IRB approval
Pending IRB approval
This study is ACTIVE.
HSC - SPH - 23 - 0196
Authorized by: UT Health Houston Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects
Location: UT Health Science Center at Houston School of Public Health | Houston, TX
Please check back in the coming months for updates and/or results.
Regulations by State
AL - Alabama
AK - Alaska
AZ - Arizona
AR - Arkansas
CA - California
CO - Colorado
CT - Connecticut
DC - District of Columbia
DE - Delaware
FL - Florida
GA - Georrgia
HI - Hawaii
ID - Idaho
IL - Illinois
IN - Indiana
IA - Iowa
KS - Kansas
KY - Kentucky
LA - Louisiana
ME - Maine
MD - Maryland
MA - Massachusetts
MI - Michigan
MN - Minnesota
MS - Mississippi
MO - Missouri
MT - Montana
NE - Nebraska
NV - Nevada
NH - New Hampshire
NJ - New Jersey
NM - New Mexico
NY - New York
NC - North Carolina
“ND - North Dakota
OH - Ohio
OK - Oklahoma
OR - Oregon
PA - Pennsylvania
RI - Rhode Island
SC - South Carolina
SD - South Dakota
TN - Tennessee
TX - Texas
UT - Utah
VT - Vermont
VA - Virginia
WA - Washington
WV - West Virginia
WI - Wisconsin
WY - Wyoming
Meet the Team
Jake Qurashi
Dr. Linda Highfield
With Support from these Medical Directors and Their Teams